
 Be, from Jonathan Livingston Seagull... (full lyrics)
Be as a page that aches for a word which speaks on a theme that is timeless. Neil Diamond, Be, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Be as a page that aches for a word which speaks on a theme that is timeless.

Playful Thinking

Kids play every day. But as people get older, play comes to us less naturally. We get comfortable in certain routines and habits. Stretching our minds gets harder.

Exercise your creativity! Pick up an every day object and approach it from a new angle. Pretend like you don’t know what it is, and try to guess its purpose. Think of as many uses for it as you can. Flip it around. Look at the bottom as the top. Write down all your ideas. Have fun with it!

Dancing in the Rain

I love all the rain in spring—the downpour on the deck, the rumbling sky, colors warping in the changing light. I revel in a dimly lit room and imagine I’m in a cave a hundred thousand years ago, watching nature’s display. 

This year, my kids started playing in the rain. Most of us used to do the same at some time in our lives. I haven’t in years, but now I wonder why I gave up such an enjoyable habit. Something about having to clean up the wet clothes and wait for the shoes to dry takes the magic out of it.

But watching my son dance in the rain—soaked and carefree—brings sweet comfort. It feels good to know in this stressful, fast-paced world, the newest generation can still appreciate the rain.